Saturday, 24 March 2012

The crew

In order of appearance:

Cap'n Evans, originally american, now a man of the sea around late fifties I guess. He's been sailing around for the past 30 years or so. He's a quiet man, who speaks more with his eyes than his words, but can pull out quite a few good stories I believe.

Will, 21, american, former studetn who got tired of studying and wanted to do something real. Looks scruffy, eand puts up an appereance, which hardly covers a really nice guy.

Kevin, 24, francais, palys guitar and mouth harp and dresses as a pirate and travels the world and has a jolly good time.

Lou, 27, kiwi as they come, chef, happy, likeable to the max.

Michael, belgé, 19, straight outta school and wanted to travel before university. I'm very supportive of the idea. Looks like a dark Tintin. Bright as few.

Dan, italian-spanish, the partyboy who accidentally spends three days on land, when going for a beer with his friends. A touch timid and also terribly nice.

Sibel, Turkish not German!, 22, taking a break from Germany, travelling NZ, very pretty, very nice, very good sense of humour.

Charlotte, German, has sailed on the Fritdjof Nansen from Germany, just returned from Abel Tasman Hike, definitely knows what she is doing. She's nice too.

Tawny, whom I meet in Takaka when roadtripping with Madeleine. She's a wilderness guide for troubled youth in Colorado, happy hippie, and I'd be deligthed to share cabin with her any day.

Canouck the wild card, french canadian nurse, not on board yet, but has sailed with Alvei and Evan before.

Update upate! An addition of Pepe from Italy has turned up, he knows how to sail, and smiled very friendly at me, while I was busy grinding the hell out of everything, then disappeared while I was in the shower. Well, we'll get time to meet while sailing.

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