Tuesday, 3 April 2012

The girl who shouted wolf

Then the wind came and we´re still in Nelson and keep having last dinners and last drinks. 45 knots is to much wind for a new crew.
We hope the tasman storm will die down on Friday. We also hope that Fijian weather wont be too bad, they've had a pretty big storm and some nasty floodings.

There's gotten more crew aboard to a total of sixten, and the additions are Peggy from Holland, Dennis from Germany, Jef (or Jan-Erik as his real name is, though that dosn't sound as cool as Jef), and Hayden from Wellington. They're pretty young in many ways and it looks like it won't just be learing how to sail, but also conducting a psychological experiment of personalities as well. I do suppose we'll be allright, but I also suppose there will be some clashes on the way.

Anyhow, I will suddenly drop off the map, and that means I'm sailing to Fiji. If you want to know for sure that I've gone, check with Jes.

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