Saturday, 9 June 2012

Things to do in Fiji with your significant other

in a rather random order. 
Hike to the peak in Ovalau

Swim in the pool by the waterfall in Ovalau

Watch the local rugby tournament

 Go to Cangalai
Snorkel there

 Doggus sleepus is a very common animal in the fijian village
 Go to the market

Take a bus to Nananu-i-ra
Kayak  in a bath tub

 Watch the sunset from sunset point. Look for the green flash.
Go diving

Take a boat to the Yasawas

 Catch snakes with the locals
This is a banana flower

Get married on the beach

Our vicar's called Rabua (pronounced Rambua) and wears either all red or all white.


This is for my parents and friends and such

Promising to forsake all other flesh and support and inspire in all eternity. That´s a long time.

 Lovo wedding dinner
Chill in the hammock

 Drink kava
Drink champagne under the full moon

Next day feed your husband to the sharks

Or just go for a hike 

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