I'm on the road, left napier on Sunday it must have been, and headed to the south. I've stayed in Waipawa and Dannevirke, had a long lunchbreak in Norsewood, where I was invited for coffee with a Norwegian family who works the infocentre and splits their time in between Norwegian and New Zealand summers. It\s been good going a lot cooler and very nice to get out again. Tuesday I arrrived at Eketahuna, where there\s a domain camping (which is a sort of nature reservee with camping) and it's only five dollars, with hot showers, laundry and farm eggs for the campers. Ekehatuna itself is tiny, there's only 600 inhabitants and it's basically just a stretch of houes and some cafes and shops and a library with free internet and use of computers (hence no pictures today) along highway 2. But my legs felt like logs when I woke up, which may be a delayed effect of running into a familiar face in Dannevirke and having a few at and irish pub.
Mount Bruce wild life sanctuary is just 8 km down the road from Eketahuna, I hitched a ride back and forth and saw kiwi birds in cages. They have a white one. It was quite neat, and now I know what the fuss is all about, but I might be too tired to really have appreciated it.
The plan for the rest of the day is to go back to the camping ground and hope nobody\s nicked my now clean underwear and there I'll faff about and read something, write something, eat chips & chocolate and drink tea. And napping. Possible tighten up a screw or two on the bike.
Tomorrow I'm heading to Masterton/Carterton/Greytown depending on the feeling, then Featherston and from there I'm taking the train to Wellington - there's a big bad hill, heaps of road work and much traffic, so it's not recommendable biking there.All in all, I ought t be In Wellie by the weekend.
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